QuickBooks-integration (grundlæggende): Inkluder Stripe gebyrer for at holde saldoen nøjagtig


Note: This section is for Stripe secure credit card processing services only. Stripe takes a fee for each individual transaction while CPACharge collects one monthly fee for all transactions. You don’t need to turn on this feature if using CPACharge.

When a client pays you online, a Stripe processing fee is deducted from the payment. This results in the payment amount on your bank statement being less than the payment amount in your QuickBooks Undeposited Funds account, where your TaxDome payments go. Because of this, QuickBooks may not find the proper transactions to match unless you do the following:

Trin 1. Tilføj en bankbetalingskonto i QuickBooks

Since Stripe maintains a balance of funds on their platform for your services, they act like any other bank account for your business. It’s a good accounting practice to create a new bank account in QuickBooks for the funds Stripe holds. When Stripe transfers funds to your actual bank account, you'll transfer those funds in QuickBooks from your Stripe bank account to your actual bank account.

Go to  Transactions, then to Chart of Accounts, click New, then create a dedicated checking account, named, for example, Stripe Bank Account and click Save and Close. This shows where the money to pay the expenses is coming from.

Trin 2. Tilføj en udgiftskonto i QuickBooks

Stripe charges you a fee for processing credit cards. To simplify accounting for these fees, add a new expense category according to the QuickBooks requirements.

Gå til Transaktioner, derefter til Kontoplan, klik på Ny, og sørg for at oprette en kreditkortkonto med navnet, for eksempel, Bankgebyrer, og klik på Gem og luk.

Step 3. Set up expenses for Stripe fees on TaxDome

Dette kan kun gøres af en virksomhedsejer eller administrator:

1. Naviger til Indstillinger > Integrationsside fra venstre menulinje, og vælg derefter fanen QuickBooks.

2. In the Stripe Fee section, turn on the Create expenses for Stripe fees toggle.

3. Vælg den udgiftskonto, du oprettede i det foregående trin (f.eks. Bankgebyrer) i rullemenuen Udgiftsbetalingskonto. Bemærk, at rullemenuen kun viser udgiftskonti for bank- og kreditkort. 

4. Vælg Provisioner og gebyrer (udgift) fra dropdown-menuen Udgiftsbetalingskategori.

5. Klik på Gem for at beholde ændringerne.

How Stripe fees show up in QuickBooks

Once done, you will find your Stripe processing fees for online payments in QuickBooks. Go to the Expenses and click on an expense transaction to view the details. 

Du vil se udgiftskontoen og udgiftskategorien fra TaxDome , som du valgte i trin 3, som betalingskonto og kategori i udgiftsoplysningerne i QuickBooks.

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