Tilbagevendende job (avanceret): Opret, rediger, slet

TaxDome allows you to have jobs repeat as needed, automatically generating them in your pipelines. You can set up a default schedule for all jobs you add to a pipeline or configure it separately for each recurrence. Make your jobs recur daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. Add job recurrences for each service you provide and easily adjust the recurrence settings if needed.


Coming soon! Recurring jobs videos are in the progress of being updated to reflect the new pipeline settings interface.

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Tilføjelse af tilbagevendende job

There are three simple ways to add job recurrences:

  • By going to Workflow > Job recurrences from the left menu bar (this is the easiest way because from here you can add recurrences for any pipeline and client) 
  • From the kanban view of the pipeline (use the Manage Recurrence link, then follow the steps below, excluding pipeline selection)
  • From the Workflow tab in the client profile (use the Manage Recurrence link, then follow the steps below, excluding pipeline and accounts selection)

For at tilføje jobgentagelsen fra listen Jobgentagelser:

1. Click New job recurrence at the top of the page.

2. Select the accounts you want to add to the recurrence and click Continue.

For at gøre det lettere at søge på konti kan du:

  • Sorter listen efter kontonavn eller antallet af jobgentagelser for en konto. 
  • Click the search button at the top left of the New job recurrence sidebar, start entering the account name into the search field, and then press enter on your keyboard. The account list is narrowed accordingly. Click X in the search field to clear it.
  • Filtrer din kontoliste ved at klikke på knappen Filter yderst til højre i menulinjen (her kan du læse mere om, hvordan du bruger filtre til at indsnævre din kontoliste).

3. Select the pipeline where the new recurrence should be added. 

4. Set up the recurrence settings

You can speed up the creation process by setting up the default recurrence settings. Once you’ve added the default recurrence, it’s automatically applied to all new recurrences and can be easily tuned up if needed. 

5. Set up  Job parameters by selecting a job template and assignees responsible for the job, then click Create.

Now, each time a start date occurs, the job for the selected account is automatically added to the pipeline.


Tip! Du kan tilføje så mange jobgentagelser som nødvendigt for den samme konto. Hvis du f.eks. skal forberede forskellige formularer til den samme kunde, kan du have dem i separate jobs og tilpasse hvert job, som du har brug for, med en gentagelse for hvert job.

After the job recurrences have been added to the schedule, they will become available in the Jobs recurrences list. You’ll see the number of accounts with recurrent jobs under the name of the pipeline as well.

When you need to review the recurrence settings, go to the  Workflow > Job recurrences page. Hover your mouse over the recurrency's schedule to see the details.

Indstillinger for gentagelse

Indstillinger for gentagelse i detaljer:

  • Tilbagefald:
    • Hvert år
    • Hver 3. måned
    • Hver måned
    • Hver uge
    • Hver dag
  • Recurrence period: The start and the end (optional) dates of recurrence. These are the first and the last days the job appears in the pipeline.
  • Gentages hver: Vælg brugerdefineret periodicitet og gentagelsesdatoer/ugedage fra rullemenuen.
  • Jobparametre: Vælg en jobskabelon og de personer, der er ansvarlige for jobbet.

Husk på det:

  • The Start date cannot be earlier or the same as the current date.
  • Scheduled jobs start at 12 am. The starting times are affected by your time zone setting, so please check to make sure that you've set them up correctly.
  • The End date is the last date the scheduled job will be created.
  • If you choose the 31st as the repeat date, your jobs will only start in months with that date.
  • You can change settings for the recurrence you add at a later point.

Here are some examples of what you will get by selecting different schedule settings :

Tidsplan Type Tidsfrister Forekomster
Hver dag

Startdato: Jan-1-2022
Slutdato: Dec-31-2022
Første gang: Jan-1-2022
Anden gang: 2. januar 2022
Og dagligt indtil 31. december 2022
Hver uge
(hver fredag)

Startdato: Jan-1-2022
Slutdato: Dec-31-2022
Første gang: Jan-1-2022
Anden gang: 5. januar 2022
Og en gang hver uge
indtil 31. december 2022
Hver måned
(en gang om måneden)

Startdato: Jan-1-2022
Slutdato: Dec-31-2022
Første gang: Jan-1-2022
Anden gang: Feb-1-2022
Og en gang om måneden indtil Dec-31-2022
Hver tredje måned

Startdato: Jan-1-2022
Slutdato: Dec-31-2022
Første gang: Jan-1-2022
Anden gang: Apr-1-2022
Og en gang hver tredje måned
indtil okt-1-2022
Hvert år

Startdato: Jan-1-2022
Slutdato: Jan-1-2024
Første gang: Jan-1-2022
Anden gang: 1. januar 2023
Og en gang hvert år indtil 1. januar 2024
(hver 1. uge mandag og fredag)

Startdato: Jan-1-2022
Slutdato: Dec-31-2022
Første gang: Jan-1-2022
Anden gang: 5. januar 2022
Og en gang hver mandag og fredag
indtil 31. december 2022
(hver 1. uge, 10. og 20.
dag i måneden)
Startdato: Jan-1-2022
Slutdato: Dec-31-2022
Første gang: 10. januar 2022
Anden gang: Jan-20-2022
Og en gang hver 10. og 20. dag
i måneden indtil 31. december 2022

Setting up default recurrence

If you set up the default recurrence settings (which is optional), they will be used to pre-fill fields when you set up recurrences to save time.

To do so, go to the pipeline settings page and select how often the job should repeat, then set the start and end (optional) dates, and the repeat day. For details, go to the section on recurrence settings.

When you need to review the default recurrence pipeline settings, go to  the Workflow > Pipelines page. Hover your mouse over the pipeline's schedule to see the details.

Redigering af gentagelser

When you add a new job recurrence to the pipeline, you always can decide if you want to use the default recurrence pipeline settings (if any) or to select individual settings for the recurrence. The recurrence settings for any recurrence added to the pipeline could also be edited at any time, one by one, or in bulk.

For example, this allows you to have all your payroll or bookkeeping clients in one pipeline, but each with its own schedule (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly). Or you may have different job templates for different clients (here's more on using recurrences with job templates).

Ved enhver gentagelse kan du ændre: 

  • The repeat period, 
  • the first recurring date, the last recurring date
  • Jobskabelonen
  • The job assignee (assignees chosen here override the ones previously selected in the job template)

To modify settings for a recurrence, go to  Workflow > Job recurrences from the left menu bar, select one or more recurrences and click Edit.

To modify settings from the pipeline or from the client profile, click  Manage Recurrence, select one or more recurrences, and click on the Recurrence settings link.

Husk på, at:

  • Individual recurrence settings override the default recurrence pipeline settings.
  • Når du redigerer gentagelsesindstillinger i bulk, er det kun dem, der er de samme blandt de konti, du vælger, der udfyldes. (Hvis flere gentagelser f.eks. har samme dato, men forskellige modtagere, vil datofeltet blive udfyldt, og modtagerfeltet vil forblive tomt).
  • Future changes made to the default recurrence pipeline settings won’t apply to job recurrences that have already been added. Always modify recurrence settings via individual schedules.
  • Hvis du deaktiverer et teammedlem med tildelte tilbagevendende job, overdrages de tilbagevendende job til firmaejeren.

Du kan finde de nærmeste tilbagevendende datoer, når du administrerer dine gentagelser: 


Bemærk: Hvis du forsøger at afslutte Indstillinger for gentagelse siden uden at klikke på Gemvil du få en advarsel. Klik på Fortsæt redigering i pop-up-advarslen, hvis du vil fortsætte med at foretage ændringer, eller Kassér ændringer hvis du vil kassere de ændringer, du har foretaget. Undgå at vælge afkrydsningsfeltet Forhindr denne side i at oprette yderligere dialoger, hvis du foretrækker at se denne nyttige pop op-advarsel.

Sletning af tilbagevendende job fra en tidsplan

Hvis du vil slette gentagelser, der ikke længere er brug for, skal du vælge dem på listen Job gentagelser, klikke på Fjern og derefter klikke på Bekræft.

This also can be done from the  Manage Recurrence section inside the pipeline.

Hvordan ved jeg, hvornår et planlagt job er blevet oprettet?

When a new job is created inside a pipeline, you’ll receive a notification in your Inbox+ about it. You’ll also get a link to it. If something is preventing a job from being created, you’ll also get a notification about it that will explain why. Here's more on system notifications about job automation issues.

Adgangsrettigheder til administration af jobgentagelser

The firm owner and the admin have access rights to manage the recurrence settings.

Hvis du ønsker, at en medarbejder også skal have adgang, skal du give vedkommende adgangsrettigheder:

1. Go to  Settings > Team & Plans from the left menu bar, open the Team members tab, then click on the team member’s name in the list.

2. Klik på blyantikonet i afsnittet Rediger adgangsrettigheder, og slå de ønskede indstillinger til (begge eller kun én): 

  • The Manage job recurrence toggle grants access rights to add new recurrences and edit existing ones, as well as to access the Job recurrences list. It gives rights to set schedules only for the client accounts to which the employee already has access.
  • The Manage pipelines toggle grants access rights to set and change pipelines settings, including the Default recurrence pipeline settings. It gives rights to change pipeline settings only for the pipelines to which the employee has access.

3. Klik på Gem.

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