Indstillinger (avanceret): Sikkerhedskopier dine TaxDome data

Her viser vi dig, hvordan du sikkerhedskopierer dine TaxDome data. Som med alle digitale ting er det vigtigt altid at have en backup, hvis du ved et uheld kommer til at slette noget eller er offline.

Eksporter dine konti

An account list can be exported by a firm owner, admin or any team member with access rights to manage accounts. To export all the data from your active accounts to a CSV file, follow these steps:

1. Gå til Clients > Accounts i venstre menulinje, klik derefter på de tre prikker til højre for søgefeltet, og vælg Export Accounts. Du vil modtage en e-mail med et downloadlink, der kun er gyldigt i 24 timer.

2. Click the download link in the email and log in to TaxDome, if needed. You’ll receive a zipped CSV file containing all your accounts data, including your custom CRM fields

The exported CSV file will contain the following info: account ID, account name, state, type, total bills, credits, information on assigned team members, assigned tags, information on followers; dates of the last login, account creation and updates; archiving date for the archived accounts, login credentials, custom fields, linked contacts, linked notes, number of active jobs, tasks, proposals and organizers, account time zone. 

En eksporteret CSV-fil ser sådan ud:


Tip: For at udelukke unødvendige oplysninger kan du filtrere din kontoliste, før du eksporterer den.

Eksporter dine kontakter

A contact list can be exported by a firm owner, admin or any team member with access rights to manage contacts. To export all the data from your contacts to a CSV file, follow these steps:

1. Gå til Kunder > Kontakter i venstre menulinje, og klik derefter på Eksporter kontakter. Du vil modtage en e-mail med et downloadlink, der kun er gyldigt i 24 timer.

2. Click the download link in the email and log in to TaxDome, if needed. You’ll receive a zipped CSV file containing all your contacts data, including your custom CRM fields.

Den eksporterede CSV-fil vil indeholde følgende oplysninger: kontaktnavn, fornavn, mellemnavn, efternavn, telefonnummer, firmanavn, gadeadresse, by, stat/provins, land, postnummer, noter, brugerdefinerede felter, datoer for oprettelse og opdatering af kontoen, tilknyttede konti, tags, e-mailadresse, tidszone for kontakten.

En eksporteret CSV-fil ser sådan ud:


Tip: For at udelukke unødvendige oplysninger kan du filtrere din kontaktliste ved hjælp af tags, før du eksporterer den.

Eksportér dine job

A job list can be exported by a firm owner, admin or any team member with access rights to  manage pipelines. To export your active or archived jobs to a CSV file, follow these steps:

1. Go to  Workflow > Jobs from the left menu bar, then click three dots to the right of the search bar and select Export jobs. You will receive an email with the download link valid for 24 hours only.

2. Click the download link in the email and log in to TaxDome, if needed. You’ll receive a zipped CSV file containing all your jobs data.

Den eksporterede CSV-fil vil indeholde følgende oplysninger:

  • For active jobs: name, pipeline, stage, account, date it was added, updated and moved to the current stage, date it was started and due date, priority, comments, assiggnees, linked documents, linked chats, timezone.
  • For archived jobs: name, pipeline, stage, account, date it was added, updated and moved to the current stage, date it was started and due date, priority, comments, assiggnees, linked invoices, linked chats, linked tasks, date it was archived, timezone.

Der er ingen grænse for, hvor mange jobs du kan eksportere. Hver CSV-fil vil kun indeholde de data, som du har filtreret, eller alle dine data, hvis du ikke har anvendt nogen filtre.


Tip: For at udelukke unødvendige oplysninger kan du filtrere din jobliste, før du eksporterer den.

Eksportér din liste over tilbagevendende job

The list of job recurrences can be exported by the firm owner, admin or any team member with access rights to  manage job recurrences.  To export your job recurrences to a CSV file, follow these steps:

1. Go to Workflow > Job recurrences from the left menu bar, then click Export. You will receive an email with the download link valid for 24 hours only.

2. Click the download link in the email and log in to TaxDome, if needed. You’ll receive a zipped CSV file containing all your job recurrences data.

The exported CSV file will contain the following info: account, pipeline, recurrence period, next recurrence date, job template, assignees, and timezone.

Der er ingen grænse for antallet af jobs, du kan eksportere, så alle dem, der er inkluderet med alle valgte filtre (eller ingen), placeres i CSV-filen:


Tip: For at udelukke unødvendige oplysninger kan du filtrere din liste over jobgentagelser, før du eksporterer den.

Eksporter dine opgaver

A task list can be exported by a firm owner, admin or any team member with access rights to  view all accounts. To export your pending or completed tasks to a CSV file, follow these steps:

1. Go to Workflow > Tasks from the left menu bar, then click Export tasks. You will receive an email with the download link valid for 24 hours only.

2. Click the download link in the email and log in to TaxDome, if needed. You’ll receive a zipped CSV file containing all your tasks data.

Den eksporterede CSV-fil vil indeholde følgende oplysninger:

  • For pending tasks: account name, task name, start date, due date, dates of task creation and update, date it was linked to a job, creator, status, subtasks, priority, job name, description, pipeline, stage, tags, linked documents, notes and timezone.
  • For completed tasks: account name, task name, start date, due date, dates of task creation and update, date it was linked to a job, creator, status, subtasks, priority, job name, description, pipeline, stage, tags, linked documents, notes, timezone, and date completed.

En eksporteret CSV-fil ser sådan ud:


Tip: For at udelukke unødvendige oplysninger kan du filtrere din opgaveliste, før du eksporterer den.

Eksporter dine dokumenter

If you want your documents to be stored on your computer, copy their folders from TaxDome Drive, then paste them to your local drive.

Eksportér dine fakturaer

An invoices list can be exported by a firm owner, admin or any team member with access rights to view all accounts and manage invoices. To export all invoicing data to a CSV file:

1. Go to Billing > Invoices from the left menu bar, then click Export Invoices. You will receive an email with the download link valid for 24 hours only.

2. Click the download link in the email and log in to TaxDome, if needed. You’ll receive a zipped CSV file containing all your invoicing data.

The exported CSV file will contain the following info: invoice number, status, synchronization status, assignee, client account name, dates it was created, updated, posted and paid, payment method, description, linked documents, linked jobs, payment creators, payment amounts, payments stauses, service titles, service amounts, service quantities, service taxes, discount title, discount amount, discount quantity, discount taxes and timezone. 

En eksporteret CSV-fil ser sådan ud:


Tip: For at udelukke unødvendige oplysninger kan du filtrere din fakturaliste, før du eksporterer den.

Eksportér dine betalinger

A payment list can be exported by a firm owner, admin or any team member with access rights to  manage payments. To export all your payments to a CSV file:

1. Go to Billing > Payments from the left menu bar, then click Export payments. You will receive an email with the download link valid for 24 hours only.

2. Click the download link in the email and log in to TaxDome, if needed. You’ll receive a zipped CSV file containing all your payment data.

The exported CSV file will contain the following info: payment number, state, synchronization status, amount, source, client, creator, linked invoices, linked refunds, description, dates it was created, updated and paid, and timezone.

En eksporteret CSV-fil ser sådan ud:


Tip: For at udelukke unødvendige oplysninger kan du filtrere din betalingsliste, før du eksporterer den.

Eksporter dine tidsregistreringer

A time entries list can be exported by a firm owner, admin or any team member with access rights to manage time entries. To export all data related to time-tracking to a CSV file:

1. Go to Billing > Time entries from the left menu bar, then click on Export time entries. You will receive an email with the download link valid for 24 hours only.

2. Click the download link in the email and log in to TaxDome, if needed. You’ll receive a zipped CSV file containing all your time tracking data.

The exported CSV file will contain the following info: client ID, name, assignee, creator, description, tags, linked jobs, dates it was created, updated, started and ended, duration and timezone

En eksporteret CSV-fil ser sådan ud:


Tip: For at udelukke unødvendige oplysninger kan du filtrere din tidsregistreringsliste, før du eksporterer den.

Use Zapier to synchronize your TaxDome contacts with your favorite apps

Zapier giver dig mulighed for at forbinde dine kontaktoplysninger med andre programmer eller platforme som Outlook, Mailchimp, Google Contacts eller Excel.

Brug for eksempel Zapier, hvis du vil have dit Google-regneark til automatisk at opdatere, hver gang du tilføjer en ny kontakt til TaxDome. For flere detaljer om, hvordan du synkroniserer med Zapier, se her.

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